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Senior Thesis


Paul is a mini golf course owner who is rapidly falling into debt. However, after a day of dismay, he discovers that every time he achieves a hole in one, cash magically appears before him. Every sink of the ball brings about new clothing, updates to the course, and updates to his personal office. However, things take a turn when Lance confesses that money is disappearing from his account at an alarming rate, which makes Paul realize that the money coming from the hole is from Lance. Paul must now decide what the right thing to do is and must choose between his greed or his friend.


In today’s world, we are addicted to the idea of more.  All too often we humans fall into the same snare that our material goods and wealth will buy us happiness and contentment.  This is what makes this story important to tell today. We get so wrapped up in a world that doesn’t exists that many young folks, such as myself, have lost a sense of purpose and meaning. People are hungry for a message of accepting responsibility and a call greater than themselves.

This is the heart of Hole in One.

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Stay in the Know

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Passion and hard work was the foundation of this production. It was incredible to see what the cast and crew did with ten simple pages.
Hole in One was shot over three days in three different Savannah spots. Our favorite place to shoot, and the most visually striking, was Bogey’s Sports Bar and Mini Golf. This location brought its own sense of character to the film.
We had an incredible cast to help tell this fantastical story. The main character, Paul, and the waitress, Mara, were played by our very own SCAD students. Our supporting character, Lance, was played by Robert Fuller. He flew in from New York to be a part of our production. Each scene allowed explorations of the characters that were welcomed on set!



Director: Joseph Bennett

Producer: Valentina Sanchez

Writer: Neely Estey

Director of Photography:  Romano Natale

Editor: Matthew Wong


Paul    William Harrison

Lance       Robert Fuller

Mara         Claire Lefort

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